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SDG 17
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

SIIF believes that the SDGs can only be achieved with the integral efforts of government, corporates, NGOs, social enterprises, and individuals. Therefore, SIIF supports the projects that are able to integrate different parties to the sustainable development. 

Corporate Partner


TAMEE is a one-stop matching PLATFORM for corporates in Hong Kong and small-scale goals specified NGOs, NPOs, Social Enterprises, SEMs that the corporates can select quality projects they are willing to sponsor with ease. 

Each project in the TAMEE PLATFORM where each project submitted by NGOs/NPOs and Social Enterprises will be provided Internal measurement and categorized to 17 SDGs and 169 corresponding subcategory targets impact for the projects / programme to elevate to as Partnerships for SDGs online website by UN while implementing companies’ ESG policies and pushing forward the role of ESG report for society’s betterment to address targeted issues.

Quality projects will be short listed by TAMEE to corporates for sponsorship to achieve social impact in various fields to make the world a better place while increasing companies’ ESG disclosure transparency and pushing forward the role of ESG report for society’s betterment.

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